RPI's Washington "Peace and Prosperity 2016" Conference
Last year we "brought the show on the road" to Washington, D.C., with our "Peace and Prosperity 2016" conference. We sold out the venue, had a great time with terrific speakers, and even had CSPAN broadcast the event to an audience of potentially millions of viewers. What a great way to get our message out that a non-interventionist foreign policy will bring us more security and more prosperity!
Our goal was to lay down a marker for the next administration that we are a significant, beyond Left/Right movement for real change in our foreign policy and that we must be heard. I believe we succeeded.
There is much to be concerned about in the way US foreign policy is shaping up in this new Administration. Thousands more US troops to the unwinnable war in Afghanistan. A possible US ground invasion of Syria. US warships challenging the Chinese in the South China Sea. US war drums beating on North Korea. Destabilization efforts continuing across the globe. The president giving a free hand to his generals to pursue the "war on terror" wherever it leads. The president lining up with the Saudis in their slaughter of Yemen.
All of this produces blowback, therefore all of it makes us less safe!
That is why must return to Washington, D.C. to bring our important movement together and again make a stand! We are working hard on the pre-planning stage of a September RPI Conference in D.C. and have been in touch with several very exciting and brilliant speakers to help us make the case. Are you interested in whistleblowers? The real "fake news" phenomenon? Are you interested in Ron Paul's coming new book? These topics and much more are in the works!
We are about to commit to the venue and a date (September 9th), but before we can make the commitment we must put together a Host Committee to help sponsor the event. Last year we had a tremendous group of extremely generous supporters form a Host Committee and the success of the conference was to their credit.
If supporters of our efforts join together in a Host Committee we will move forward with the planning and hopefully ticket sales can begin in mid-June. We have decided to create a two-tier Host Committee to provide different incentives and different ways of honoring those who choose to support this conference.
1) Gold Level Host Committee Members at a minimum $1,000 donation will receive admission to the conference for the Member and one guest and will be publicly thanked in the conference program. They will be invited to an exclusive pre-conference VIP cocktail reception the night before the event where they will visit with Ron Paul, conference speakers, and Institute staff and Board Members. They will enjoy prime location reserved seating for the event and will be invited to a VIP post-conference reception. They will also receive a signed copy of Ron Paul's forthcoming new book! Please send me an email -- or telephone me at 202-306-2672 -- to discuss Gold Level Host Committee Membership or to make your pledge.
2) Silver Level Host Committee Members at a minimum $500 donation will receive admission to the conference for the Member and one guest and will be publicly thanked in the conference program. They will enjoy reserved seating at the conference and will be invited to an after-conference reception. They will receive a signed copy of Ron Paul's forthcoming new book! Please send me an email -- or telephone me at 202-306-2672 -- to discuss SIlver Level Host Committee Membership or to make your pledge.
3) We are also looking for major sponsors who are able to make a commitment above these two levels and who in turn would receive all the above perquisites as well as marquee-level recognition for their generosity...and more! Please email me to discuss or telephone me at 202-306-2672.
4) We plan to also offer tables to organizations who would like to showcase their programs and products to conference attendees. Please contact me for more information on how to sponsor your table!
We have a great conference in the works -- something truly unique -- but we simply must have sponsors in place to get the ball rolling. If you are willing to pledge support at either of the above three levels, please send me an email or telephone me right away at 202-306-2672. I'll gladly fill you in on the details and answer all of your questions.
from Ron Paul Institute Peace and Prosperity Articles
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